Clay Schexnayder

Clay Schexnayder's Badges Earned

Clay Schexnayder's Major Donors
Clay Schexnayder's Notable Efforts
- Voted in favor of HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- Voted AGAINST HB152 (2023) seeking a constitutional amendment to add the fundamental right of parents to decide the nurture, education, care, custody, and control of their children
- Co-sponsored HB70 (2023) to provide relative to diminution of sentence and parole eligibility for offenders convicted a fourth or subsequent time of a nonviolent felony offense
- Co-sponsored HB75 (2023) to increase the penalties for distribution or possession with intent to distribute fentanyl or carfentanil and provides for aggregate weights for the substance
- Co-sponsored HB523 (2023) to provide relative to licensing standards for juvenile detention facilities.
- Introduced HB562 (2023) to provide relative to the Motion Picture Production Tax Credit.
- Introduced HB563 (2023) to provide incentive payments for newly employed law enforcement officers
- Introduced HB564 (2023) to provide for fixed-odds racehorse wagering within land-based casino and the payment of audited net profits from such wagering to licensed racing associatio
- Introduced HB571 (2023) to provide relative to the regulation of carbon capture and sequestration
- Introduced HB605 (2023) to provide for the regulation of consumable hemp products
- Introduced HB630 (2023) to clarify that charter boat fishing guide activities are considered commercial fishing for purposes of sales and use tax exemptions
- Introduced HCR02 (2023) to provide for a hospital stabilization formula pursuant to Art. VII, §10.13 of the Constitution of La., including assessments and reimbursement enhancements
- Introduced HCR103 (2023) to request the Louisiana U.S. Congressional delegation to support the extension of funding for the federal Affordable Connectivity Program of 2021
- Introduced HCR113 (2023) to memorialize the U.S. Congress to ban the import of shrimp and crawfish from outside the United States
- Introduced HB681 (2022) seeking a constitutional amendment to establish the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Commission
- Introduced HB756 (2022) to transfer responsibility of the maintenance of specified buildings and grounds in the capitol complex to the lt. governor through the Dept. of Culture, Recreation and Tourism subject to the authority and direction of the speaker of the House and the president of the Senate and creates a special fund for such purposes
- Introduced HB758 (2022) to regulate industrial hemp and consumable hemp products
- Introduced HB760 (2022) to remove the filing fee charged for submission of dissolution proceedings
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