Tanner Magee

Tanner Magee's Badges Earned

Tanner Magee's Major Donors
Tanner Magee's Notable Efforts
- Voted against HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- 2023 - Was marked "absent", when clearly present, on the vote to override the veto of Gov. Edwards with regards to HB188 by Larry Fireman seeking to deny parole to dangerous criminals.
- 2023 - Was one of five Republicans who changed their earlier vote and voted NO to override Gov. Edwards’ veto of HB81 by Raymond Crews seeking to prevent teachers from secretly changing the pronouns of students.
- Voted AGAINST HB466 (2023) to provide relative to instruction on and discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity with certain public school students
- Introduced HB229 (2023) to provide relative to electronic civil and criminal case filings
- Introduced HB377 (2023) to provide for certain claim settlement practices with respect to property claims
- Introduced HB475 (2023) to provide relative to the admissibility of evidence of a defendant's creative or artistic expression in criminal actions
- Introduced HB483 (2023) to extend the duration of the rehabilitation of historic structures tax credit program and expands eligibility for the credits through the program to additional historic structures
- Introduced HB513 (2023) to authorize an insurance premium tax credit for retaliatory taxes paid to any other state by a La. domestic insurer which is authorized to write and does write insurance in La. and in at least one other state
- Introduced HB525 (2023) to create the Community Options Waiver Fund (fund) and provides for dedication and uses of monies in the fund
- Introduced HCR 47 (2023) to suspend R.S. 13:4688 through March 10, 2024, as it relates to the reporting information concerning actions for offenses and quasi offenses to the office of the judicial administrator
- Introduced HCR127 (2023) to urge and request the Department of Economic Development, in consultation with the Louisiana Workforce Commission, to evaluate the state's business advantages, economic climate, and workforce readiness to compete in attracting offshore wind energy supply chain industries to the state. Requests a report no later than Feb. 1, 2024
- Introduced HR204 (2023) to request LCRAA to compile information regarding integrated electronic filing and case management capabilities and to submit a report containing such information to the legislature no later than Jan. 1, 2024
- Introduced HB66 (2022) to require a public school governing authority to permit a student who lives within one mile from school to walk to and from school with the parent's permission
- Introduced HB98 (2022) relative to the accountability system for schools participating in the Student Scholarships for Educational Excellence Program
- Introduced HB221 (2022) doubling procurement limits for purchases of materials and supplies by public entities
- Introduced HB247 (2022) to provide with respect to the recusal of judges
- Introduced HB259 (2022) to call a limited constitutional convention to convene on Aug. 1, 2022, to be composed of 120 delegates, appointed from congressional districts by the speaker of the House, president of the Senate, governor, and chief justice of the supreme court. Requires convention to complete draft of proposed constitution by July 1, 2023
- Introduced HB260 (2022) to establish firearm hold agreements, and provides a limitation of liability for federal firearms licensees who enter into such agreements
- Introduced HB268 (2022) to require insurers to pay the amount of any property claim due any person within 60 days of when the property is first inspected by the insurer, its representative, or its agent, either in person or through remote technological means
- Introduced HB370 (2022) to provide for the self-distribution of beer and malt beverages under certain conditions
- Introduced HB443 (2022) to provide relative to the financial obligations of criminal offenders and the consideration of financial hardship in establishing the method of payment of the defendant's obligations
- Introduced HB645 (2022) to create the Community Options Waiver Fund ("fund") and provides for dedication and uses of monies in the fund
- Introduction HB697 (2022) to revise laws establishing and providing for a regulatory system for medical marijuana
- Introduced HB698 (2022) to provide for fees and charges to be assessed by the La. Department of Health and La. Board of Pharmacy in connection with regulation of production and testing of marijuana for therapeutic use
- Introduced HB807 (2022) to create a grant program to address disaster resiliency and grid stability
- Introduced HB912 (2022) to make technical changes to certain provisions relative to the manner in which ballots are prepared and marked and relative to determinations by the parish board of election supervisors regarding certain marks on ballots
- Introduced HCR87 (2022) requesting the courts to develop and implement a unified court cost system
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