Clay Schexnayder

District: House District 81
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname: Shakedown Snakesneyder
Seat mate:
Phone: 225-473-6016   call
Members Only
Instagram: clayschex
Party: RINO - Republican In Name Only

Clay Schexnayder's close associates

  • Paula Davis
  • Tanner Magee
  • Buddy Mincey, Jr.
  • Stuart Bishop
  • Jean-Paul Coussan
  • Jerome Zeringue
  • Larry Bagley
  • Joseph Stagni
  • Mike Huval
  • John Stefanski
  • Timothy Kerner
  • Vinney St. Blanc
  • Beau Beaullieu
  • Scott McKnight
  • Troy Romero
  • Joseph Marino
  • Les Farnum
  • Gregory Miller
  • Bill Wheat
  • Christopher Turner
  • Hugh Andre

Clay Schexnayder's Badges Earned

RINO - Republican In Name OnlyParty Gauge,


Clay Schexnayder's Major Donors

Members Only

Clay Schexnayder's Notable Efforts

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Not Media Enough, Censored by Schexnayder

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