Pride Purveyors Pranked Pt 2

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You’re going to love this! “Comedy Hour” Kenneth Boudreaux does it again! He’s accused me of lying about the Lafayette City Council. The only problem? I’m spot on, as usual. This is from a few months ago, but it’s taken a while for me to do some additional homework. Watch as I walk you through our article he was so upset about and how everything we originally wrote is perfectly correct.

Dr. James Lindsay, New Louisiana Foundation Fundraiser, November 21, 2024

Learn more about the Left’s relentless effort to indoctrinate the next generation from Dr. James Lindsay at our November 21 event.

When we first published the article Pride Purveyors Pranked, I used self-authenticating public records. Even so, Boudreaux rails against me for “false accusations” of acts that were not done. However, the public record shows clearly that, yes, members of the City Council did attempt to trick the community. Even though there was no proclamation, a quorum of the Lafayette City Council participated in this elaborate deception. If this were just my opinion or my interpretation of public records, it’d be one thing. But the delay has allowed time for backup to arrive.

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Matt Thomassee for Youngsville Chief of Police

By the way, the meeting mentioned in the article (with Kenneth Boudreaux speaking) was on July 16th, 2024. The relevant section will be about an hour and thirteen minutes in.

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