A few bills we’re watching – May 22, 2023


During session, I’m in the capitol almost every day. It’s important for legislators to see us in the building because, as the public’s employees, they tend to work a little harder when they know they’re being watched. Here are a few bills I’ve taken special interest in that have had some action recently.


👎 ❌ HB 461 by Rep. DuBuisson (R 4/10) – Legalize certain abortions. Involuntarily deferred (8-5) in House Criminal Justice (page 7)

👎 ❌ HB 598 by Rep. Newell (D 1/10) – Amends definitions of abortion. Involuntarily deferred (7-5) in House Criminal Justice (page 8)

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Leave the Kids Alone

👍 ✅ HB 81 by Rep. Crews (R 8/10) – Requires public school employees use biological/given names and pronouns for students unless parents provide written consent to do otherwise. Passed House 62-32 Pending Senate Education.

👍 ✅ HB 648 by Rep. Firment (R 7/10) – Prohibits altering the sex of a minor child. Passed House 71-42. Pending Senate Health & Welfare.

👍 ✅ SB 7 by Sen. Cloud (R 8/10) – state-wide library policy to limit sexually explicit material for minors. Passed Senate 27-11. Scheduled to be heard in House Education on May 22, 2023.

👍 ✅ HB 77 by Rep. Schlegel (R 7/10) –  Allows the Attorney General to investigate and pursue commercial entities that publish or distribute material harmful to minors. Passed House 102-1. Pending Senate committee assignment.

👍 ✅ HB 466 by Rep. Horton (R 8/10) – Bans discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in public schools. Passed House 67-28. Pending Senate committee on Education.

Health Freedom

👍 ✅ HB 399 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – Requires immunization communication from schools include exemption information. Passed House 85-6. Pending Senate Education committee.

👍 ✅ HB 182 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – no person shall be required to receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of enrollment or attendance at any public or nonpublic school. Passed House 64-28. Pending Senate Education committee.

👍 ❌ HB 372 by Rep. Edmonston (R 9/10) – United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization do not have jurisdiction in this state. Fail to pass House Health and Welfare 6-8 (Page 2)

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👍 ✅ HB 291 by Rep. Owen (R 8/10)– No patient left alone. Passed House 100-0. Pending Senate final passage 5/22/23


👍 ✅ HB 121 by Rep. Amedee (R 9/10) – Requires at least one recess period per school day in K-5 schools. Passed House 66-28. Pending Senate committee assignment.

👍 ✅ HB 98 by Rep. Lance Harris (R 6/10) – Expands school choice. Passed House 61-37. Pending Senate Education committee.

Parental Rights

👍 🟡 HB 152 by Rep. Amedee (R 9/10) – Adds the fundamental right of parents to control their children. Fell short of 70 votes required on 5/16. Subject to call for final passage 5/22/23.

Carbon Capture

👍 ❌ HB 10 by Rep. Carter (D 1/10) – Removes eminent domain authority of carbon dioxide storage facility operators. Involuntarily deferred (9-4-1) in House Natural Resources.

👍 ❌ HB 35 by Rep. Carter (D 1/10) – Prohibits carbon dioxide sequestration projects in St. Helena Parish. Failed to pass (5-7-1) in House Natural Resources (page 2).

2nd Amendment

👍 ✅ HB 131 by Rep. McCormick (R 10/10) – Constitutional carry. Passed House Criminal Justice with amendments (Page 3). Floor debate scheduled 5/23.


👍 ✅ HB 311 by Rep. Miguez (R 9/10) – Bans the use of outside money for Louisiana elections. Passed House 70-30. Pending Senate committee assignment 5/22.


👍 ✅ HB 91 by Rep. Goudeau (R 7/10) – restitution payments to the minor child of the victim of vehicular homicide. Passed House 58-36. Pending Senate committee assignment.

👍 ✅ SB 169 by Sen. Mizell – Requires law enforcement to submit every reported sexual assault collection kit to a forensic laboratory. Passed Senate 35-0. Scheduled for House Committee on Appropriations 5/22/23.


👍 ✅ HB 462 by Rep. Edmonds (R 8/10) – Fiscal transparency for school boards. Passed House 97-1. Pending Senate Education committee.


🫣❓HB 1 by Rep. Zeringue (R 3/10) – Louisiana operating budget Passed House 72-33. Pending Senate Finance committee.

👎 ❌ HB 149 by Rep. Marino – Legislative pay raise. Failed House Appropriations committee 5-14 (page 4).


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