Rodney Schamerhorn

Position: Legislature
District: House District 24
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname:
Seat mate: Michael Echols
Phone: 318-565-4959 call
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: rodneyforrep
Twitter: @rodneyrep
Party: Republican
Rodney Schamerhorn's Badges Earned


Rodney Schamerhorn's Major Donors
Members Only
Rodney Schamerhorn's Notable Efforts
- Voted in favor of HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- Voted in favor of SB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) "Constitutional Carry" to allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns lawfully without a permit
- Voted in favor of SB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) relative to liability for persons authorized to carry a concealed handgun
- Voted in favor of HB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to create the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Program
- Voted in favor of HB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide for immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances for peace officers and public entities that employ or appoint peace officers
- Voted in favor of HB4 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to changes for post conviction relief procedures
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to parole
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to diminution of sentence
- Voted in favor of HB23 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide with respect to procedures for challenging the constitutionality of a statute or law
- Voted in favor HB866 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the refusal of certain medical services.
- Voted against HB743 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide for absentee voting by mail by qualified incarcerated voters.
- Voted in favor HB550 (2024 - Regular Session) to terminate approval of home study programs by the State Board. of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), provides for the enrollment of students in home schools, and provides for one-time notification to BESE upon such enrollment.
- Voted in favor of HB288 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the inclusion of immunization records on autopsy reports of infants.
- Co-sponsored HB17 (2024 1st Extraordinary Session) to provide for closed party primary elections for certain offices.
- October 14, 2023 - Elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives (District 24) receiving 60% of the vote.
- 2023 - Received a 100% Pro-Life Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life as a State Legislator and answered the Louisiana Right to Life Questionnaire 100% Pro-Life.
- 1 of only 19 to vote against breaking the spending cap (SCR3 2023)
- Introduced HB207 (2023) to create the crime of unlawful swimming in certain waterways for minors and provides for penalties
- Introduced HB232 (2023) to exempt any bona fide conservation organization dedicated principally to the conservation of game fish from licensing and reporting procedures for conducting raffles
- Introduced HB237 (2023) to provide relative to certain activities regarding contraband in correctional facilities
- Co-sponsored HB462 (2023) to require each public school governing authority to post on its website certain fiscal information and requires the treasurer to post the information on the website of the Dept. of the Treasury
- Introduced HB592 (2023) to revise portions of the driver education law to add a skills test administered by a properly licensed and contracted third-party examiner to driver education courses. Provides for restricted permit upon failure of the skills test and readministration of the skills test. Provides for skills test to be administered to students not participating in driver education course
- Introduced HB689 (2022) to require the licensure of retail seafood dealers
- Introduced HB900 (2022) to require the division of administration to establish a uniform policy for handling complaints regarding governmental service, including guidelines which all executive branch state agencies will use to address complaints
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