Critical Acclaim
New York Times
The group that started the hubbub over in Lafayette Parish is called Citizens for a New Louisiana. And I know the players. And I had been monitoring who’s involved in all of this.
Small Business Owner
Timmy Hendrix
I AM EXTREMELY impressed with this production! Keep it coming for us little blue collars that can't be on the front lines.
Rob Boston - LGBTQ+ Equity
Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Citizens for a New Louisiana, which Jones describes as an organization “that has wreaked havoc on public libraries across Louisiana.”
Emily Drabinski
President - American Library Assn / 26 Dec 2022
Citizens for a New Louisiana now has full support from the Louisiana state government.
Ralph Chapoco
Alabama Reflector
Citizens for a New Louisiana seeks to restrict access to library materials deemed inappropriate for children.
Citizens Gear
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