Joseph Orgeron

Position: Legislature
District: House District 54
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname:
Seat mate: Mandie Landry
Phone: 985-693-9000 call
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: JosephOrgeronDistrict54
Twitter: @
Party: Republican
Joseph Orgeron's Badges Earned


Joseph Orgeron's Major Donors
Members Only
Joseph Orgeron's Notable Efforts
- Voted against HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- Voted in favor of SB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) "Constitutional Carry" to allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns lawfully without a permit
- Voted in favor of SB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) relative to liability for persons authorized to carry a concealed handgun
- Voted in favor of HB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to create the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Program
- Voted in favor of HB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide for immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances for peace officers and public entities that employ or appoint peace officers
- Voted in favor of HB4 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to changes for post conviction relief procedures
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to parole
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to diminution of sentence
- Voted in favor of HB23 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide with respect to procedures for challenging the constitutionality of a statute or law
- Voted in favor HB866 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the refusal of certain medical services.
- Voted in favor HB550 (2024 - Regular Session) to terminate approval of home study programs by the State Board. of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), provides for the enrollment of students in home schools, and provides for one-time notification to BESE upon such enrollment.
- Voted against HB288 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the inclusion of immunization records on autopsy reports of infants.
- 2023 - Received a 100% Pro-Life Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life as a State Legislator.
- Introduced HB99 (2023) to provide that federal revenues received by the state and generated from Outer Continental Shelf alternative or renewable energy production be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund
- Introduced HB116 (2023) to dedicate revenues received from alternative or renewable energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund
- Introduced HB304 to prohibit an elected official who has resigned or retired from office from being appointed or elected to succeed himself in the office
- Introduced HB576 to provide limits on annual tonnage of commercial menhaden catch for reduction and exclusion zones where the taking of menhaden is prohibited
- Introduced HCR4 (2023) to express support of the legislature for the 103- year history of the Jones Act
- Introduced HB636 (2022) to provide that federal revenues received by the state and generated from Outer Continental Shelf alternative or renewable energy production be deposited into the Costal Protection and Restoration Fund
- Introduced HB687 (2022) to dedicate revenues received from alternative or renewable energy production on the Outer Continental Shelf to the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund
- Introduced HB947 (2022) to prohibit an elected official who has resigned or retired from office from being appointed or elected to succeed himself in the office
- Introduced HB963 (2022) to require water safety instruction for public school students
- Introduced HCR43 (2022) requesting federal action on domestic oil and gas production
- Introduced HR25 (2022) requesting the Louisiana Public Service Commission to investigate the benefits, feasibility, costs, and pathways to achieving a demonstrable offshore wind energy pilot project by 2026
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