Podcast: Who are these “anti-censorship” people?

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If you feel these new political “anti-censorship” organizations seem connected, you’re right. In this video, I delve into the intricacies of these groups. We will reveal their underlying connections and interdependencies. I will also uncover the key figures’ identities, map out the web of relationships that link them, and shed light on the powerful forces driving this entire movement.

Unsurprisingly, a low-level bureaucrat employed by Livingston Parish Schools, Amanda “Banana” Jones, emerges as a significant player and the central figure orchestrating much of the action. While the school system covers her day-to-day expenses, she has become the linchpin of this operation. Through detailed analysis and evidence, you’ll see how Livingston Parish Schools have empowered her to become the dominant force behind these various organizations. This supports the hypothesis that the Livingston Parish School System is behind this so-called “anti-censorship” crusade being foisted upon the rest of the state.

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However, “anti-censorship” is just a clever buzzword for promoting sexual instruction manuals as “educational materials.” So, let’s pull back the curtain and find out who’s who and what’s what in this astroturf movement.

A few articles are mentioned in this video:

  1.  Regarding Michael Holt and LSU’s effort to disrupt the Lafayette Public Library. https://www.newlouisiana.org/the-louisiana-library-wars-rage-on/
  2. Regarding Amanda “Banana” Jones openly talked about pushing social justice and sexual issues on kids under her care. She also talks about how to keep these nefarious efforts from the children’s parents. https://www.newlouisiana.org/caught-librarian-concealing-social-justice-push-from-parents/
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