Clay’s Republican Turmoil

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Most adults are aware of the devastating impact segregation had on America. It is crucial that we never repeat this part of history. This is why some lawmakers do not feel segregation should be pushed on children in Louisiana schools. Unfortunately, House Speaker, Clay Schexnayder, is against ensuring this is not part of the future for children in Louisiana. He is so against banning it that he has waged war against his Republican peers.
Across the nation segregation is being sold in the form of Critical Race Theory. Those in favor describe it as teaching history. In opposition Elbert Guillory, recognizes it as “divisive, anti-american, and anti-louisianian”. Check out his statement in the video below.

What is This Controversial Bill About?

As mentioned in the above video, Ray Garofalo brought a bill trying to ban Critical Race Theory in Louisiana schools. The representative explained “Some students are being taught that because of their skin color they are inferior”. Garofalo expressed that “learning environments that separate students based on race, sex, or national origin deepen the divisiveness and imply that certain races are incapable of succeeding on their own”. He titled the bill “The Every Student is Equal Act”. Ray Garofalo also stated that students have a right to a learning environment that is free of discrimination. Why would anyone be upset about this?

Minds Already Made Up

Unfortunately committee members did not want to have this conversation. They were on the offense in questioning. Representative Phelps insisted Critical Race Theory is not an issue in Louisiana and the bill is not necessary. However, New Orleans School Board passed a “racial equality” resolution that claimed America is systematically racist. There was also this assignment in Louisiana in February.

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Matt Thomassee for Youngsville Chief of Police

Critical Race Theory Statement by National Parents Union

Assignment in Louisiana

Claston Bernard was with Garofalo for the bills introduction. Bernard is a Jamaican Immigrant. His message is often about unity and equality. According to Bernard, Critical Race Theory demonizes white people, says they are inherently racist and no matter what they do they can not change being racist.

Amy Freeman and Gary Carter made it clear that they did not want to hear Claston Bernard’s thoughts. While Claston Bernard was speaking, Representative Gary Carter said that he could not stand to listen any longer. He requested someone let him know when it was opposition’s turn to speak. This is tasteless and disrespectful.

“My fight is the fight that MLK Jr. was about. Judge a man by the content of his character not by the color of his skin. Critical Race Theory is judging people by the color of their skin. It is wrong to do it if you are white and it is wrong to do it if you are black.” – Claston Bernard

Schexnayder’s Marching Orders

Stephanie Hilferty twisting Garofalo’s words is nothing compared to the overall fall out in the Republican party. Since Ted James demanded Ray Garofalo’s removal Clay Schexnayder has shown how little power he really has. Initially Schexnayder insisted Garofalo apologize for saying there was good in racism. Only, he never said that. When Garofalo refused, Schexnayder tried to pressure him into resigning from his chairman position. In effort to look good in public Clay Schexnayder swore he never removed Garofalo. Because of this Ray Garofalo tried to chair another Education Committee meeting.

Garofalo was met with threats by the Speaker of the House and committee members were sent to Schexnayder’s office. Patrick Jefferson and Gary Carter showed briefly. The members did not stay for roll call except for Representative Amedee. Barbara Frieberg entered the room but left before even sitting down. A few members chose to hang out on the house floor rather than show up for the committee meeting. Due to the lack in quorum the meeting could not take place. After this, Schexnayder did as told and removed Ray Garofalo from the chairman position.

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Jean-Paul Coussan - Public Service Commission

While trying to appease Ted James, Clay Schexnayder went the extra mile. He refused to allow any education bills to be debated on the floor. The Speaker was afraid to ruffle Democratic feathers. Schexnayder chose to step on his own party’s neck to make certain he avoided just that. This divisiveness appears to have blead over to other bills as well. When Garofalo intended to add an amendment to Valarie Hodges bill Lance Harris motioned to end consideration of amendments. What a coincidence!

There’s a New Caucus in Town

Perhaps all of this helped inspire the Louisiana Conservative Caucus. This caucus has 39 founding members. That is enough to control every tax, budget, and constitutional amendment that the caucus takes position on according to Jack McFarland. Louisiana Conservative Caucus is invite only. It has three core principles: fiscal responsibility, protecting the unborn, and defending 2nd Amendment rights. Will this caucus be enough to finally see Republicans stand in unison for something? Since their formation Schexnayder has found time to show up to Republican Delegation meetings. Another coincidence!



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