Why Does My Congresswoman Live 3.5 Hours Away?

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Jesse Regan for State Senate

I don’t know how else to say this: it is frustrating that my congresswoman, Julia Letlow, lives 3.5 hours away from me. I live in Baton Rouge. She lives in Monroe. That’s not close. That’s not even kind of close. How is this supposed to work? How can someone that far away really represent me, my neighbors, or my community?

Let me be clear—I don’t blame Julia Letlow for this. I knew her husband, Luke, and he was a good man. His sudden passing was a tragedy, and I don’t fault Julia for stepping up and trying to carry on his work. That’s admirable, and I respect her for it. But this situation isn’t about her as a person. It’s about a broken system in Louisiana that leaves so many of us feeling disconnected, unheard, and unrepresented.

The Problem with the Congressional Maps

Louisiana’s congressional maps don’t make sense. They weren’t drawn to connect real communities. They weren’t drawn to give voters the strongest possible voice. No, they were drawn to achieve specific political outcomes—mainly to create a single “black district,” which happens to be Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District.

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And I get it—I do. Representation matters, and people deserve to have their voices heard. But when you manipulate the congressional map to hit one goal, you end up with collateral damage. Districts like mine—the 5th Congressional District—get cobbled together in ways that don’t make sense.

Baton Rouge and Monroe are not the same. They’re hours apart. Our economies, cultures, and priorities aren’t identical and shouldn’t be forced to share one representative. But here we are, stuck with a district that stretches halfway across the state. How can that possibly serve the people living in it?

Julia Letlow: A Good Person in a Bad System

This is where I get torn because I don’t want this to come across as a personal attack on Julia Letlow. It’s not. I don’t know her personally, but I do know that she stepped up during a tough time after her husband passed. I do not doubt that her heart is in the right place, and I’m sure she’s trying her best to do the job she’s been given.

But we have to talk about why she’s in this position.

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When Luke Letlow passed away, the Republican Party immediately rallied around Julia as if it were an automatic next step. While I understand the instinct to support the family during a tragedy, we must be honest—this isn’t how leadership should work. Political office isn’t something you inherit, even under the saddest circumstances. It’s not a family business. It’s supposed to be earned.

Again, this isn’t Julia’s fault. But it’s part of a more significant problem. When someone wins a seat not because of their qualifications but because of emotional and political tradition, it doesn’t serve the voters. And in a district as disconnected as this one, the problem is even worse.

Disconnected Representation

 Here’s where the frustration really sets in: I don’t feel like I have a representative. How could I? Julia Letlow lives in Monroe. That’s her home, where her most substantial ties are, and naturally, where her focus will be. I don’t blame her for that—it’s human nature.

But it leaves people like me feeling forgotten here in Baton Rouge. Monroe is 3.5 hours away, which is not a short trip. It’s practically another state in my mind. I can’t help but feel like our voices get drowned out because we’re on the other side of the district. It’s not fair to Julia, either. How can any representative effectively serve communities so far apart and fundamentally different? This isn’t just a problem for Baton Rouge—it’s a problem for everyone in this sprawling, nonsensical district.

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We Deserve Better

I don’t think this is an unsolvable problem. Louisiana’s congressional maps need to be redrawn, but they need to make sense this time. We need districts that connect people who live near each other, share similar concerns, and can hold their representatives accountable.

We also need to rethink how we fill political seats when tragedy strikes. I’m not saying parties shouldn’t support grieving families, but the people deserve real choices. Elections shouldn’t be foregone conclusions based on sympathy. Leadership is too important to be treated that way.

It’s Time for Change

At the end of the day, I don’t blame Julia Letlow for living in Monroe, and I don’t blame her for stepping into her late husband’s shoes. I genuinely wish her well and hope she’s doing good work for the people who elected her. But this system? This system is broken.

It’s not fair to Baton Rouge. It’s not fair to Monroe. And honestly, it’s not fair to Julia either. We need congressional maps that reflect the people, not political priorities. We need a system where representatives live close enough to know their communities and fight for their needs. Until that happens, I will feel like I don’t have a voice. And I’ll ask the same question: Why does my congresswoman live 3.5 hours away?

Louisiana deserves better. It’s time to fix this.


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