Wayne McMahen

Position: Legislature
District: House District 10
Running for:
Moon Griffon Nickname:
Seat mate: Danny McCormick
Phone: 318-371-3092 call
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: RepWayneMcMahen
Twitter: @
Party: RINO - Republican In Name Only
Wayne McMahen's close associates
Wayne McMahen's Badges Earned


Wayne McMahen's Major Donors
Members Only
Wayne McMahen's Notable Efforts
- Voted against HB267 (2023 Regular Session) seeking a moratorium on Carbon Capture projects in Lake Maurepas.
- Voted in favor of SB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) "Constitutional Carry" to allow law-abiding citizens to carry concealed handguns lawfully without a permit
- Voted in favor of SB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) relative to liability for persons authorized to carry a concealed handgun
- Voted in favor of HB1 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to create the Truth and Transparency in the Louisiana Criminal Justice System Program
- Voted in favor of HB2 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide for immunity from civil liability under certain circumstances for peace officers and public entities that employ or appoint peace officers
- Voted in favor of HB4 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to changes for post conviction relief procedures
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to parole
- Voted in favor of HB9 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provides relative to diminution of sentence
- Voted in favor of HB23 (2024 Extraordinary Session) to provide with respect to procedures for challenging the constitutionality of a statute or law
- Voted against HB866 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the refusal of certain medical services.
- Voted against HB743 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide for absentee voting by mail by qualified incarcerated voters.
- Voted in favor HB550 (2024 - Regular Session) to terminate approval of home study programs by the State Board. of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), provides for the enrollment of students in home schools, and provides for one-time notification to BESE upon such enrollment.
- Voted in favor of HB288 (2024 - Regular Session) to provide relative to the inclusion of immunization records on autopsy reports of infants.
- 2023 - Received a 100% Pro-Life Voting Record with Louisiana Right to Life as a State Legislator.
- Introduced HB248 (2023) to authorize the interment of pet remains only under certain circumstances
- Introduced HB99 (2022) seeking to add the crime of resisting a police officer with force or violence to the list of crimes of violence
- Introduced HB371 (2022) to amend the definition of "police officer" for the crimes of battery of a police officer and resisting a police officer with force or violence to include juvenile detention facility officers
- Introduced HB634 (2022) to raise the age of the offenders from 17 to 18 years of age or older for the crimes of of sexual battery, second degree sexual battery, felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile, misdemeanor carnal knowledge of a juvenile, pornography involving juveniles, molestation of a juvenile or a person with a physical or mental disability, computer-aided solicitation of a minor, illegal use of controlled dangerous substances in the presence of persons under seventeen years of age, contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, cruelty to juveniles, second degree cruelty to juveniles, and video voyeurism
- Introduce HB833 (2022) to authorize the interment of pet remains only under certain circumstances
- Introduced HB842 (2022) to provide for liability immunity for veterinary professionals who report animal cruelty, neglect, or other prohibited acts towards animals
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