LPSB approves $662,000 “Playground Pavilion” contract


We’re losing count of all of the new tax proposals lately. What are we up to now, five? Isn’t it interesting that every time anything needs to get “fixed,” raising taxes seems to be the only answer? If you’re like me, and waiting to start the conversation about cutting spending, it seems we’ll be waiting a bit longer.

In the mean time, the same LPSB that wanted to raise your taxes by $200 million to build buildings (instead of rezoning to fill half-empty schools) just approved a $662,390 contract to build playground pavilions.

Here are the bid results: https://www.boarddocs.com/la/lpss/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=B458AT146139

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In unrelated news, LPSS has also pledged $6,000 to build a bus stop cover for LCG’s Municipal Transit System. To be clear, these aren’t school bus stops, they’re for the city buses.


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