The Hidden Truth Behind the Opposition to RFK’s Confirmation

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For months now, President Trump’s Make America Healthy Again agenda, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at the helm, has captured the nation’s attention and energized the health freedom community. To turn the tide on the country’s chronic disease epidemic, everything—from seed oils to vaccines—is expected to be scrutinized as possible contributors to America’s continual decline in health.

Undoubtedly, many factors are causing our nation’s ill health, but only one is recommended for every baby born in America. While many want to ignore difficult truths about childhood vaccinations, Health Freedom Louisiana (HFL) is resolute in ensuring parents have the information necessary to make an informed decision about vaccination.

Let’s discuss the foundational information every parent should know about vaccines.

Jill Hines presenting in the Governor's News Room

Jill Hines presenting in the Governor’s News Room

HFL Co-Director Jill Hines recently presented this information to the Louisiana Children’s Advisory Council. Below are some of the slides from her presentation.

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HFL is a consumer and human rights advocacy organization. What do vaccines have to do with consumer and human rights?

Every consumer has (and should have) the right to sue for injury associated with a product they use. Every human has the right to voluntary informed consent. Voluntary means the individual can say “no” without being deceived, threatened, coerced, or retaliated against.

School and workplace vaccine mandates violate voluntary informed consent. During the presentation, Jill explained that she had been repeatedly told that her three (3) children had to be vaccinated to attend Louisiana schools. Withholding education until children are vaccinated is a form of coercion. Not only that, but misinforming parents also violates existing law. Louisiana law does NOT require students to be vaccinated to attend school. Every parent and adult student can submit a written dissent instead of providing vaccination records. As of August 2024, state law also requires schools to inform parents of that option.

The following is information HFL believes every parent should know before vaccinating their children.

1) Parents should know that no vaccine on the childhood schedule carries product liability – meaning parents cannot sue if their child is injured or killed by a vaccine. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) was signed into law in 1986. It removed liability from vaccines and their manufacturers. The act established the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), and acknowledged that it was inevitable for some people to be injured or killed by vaccines.

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NCVIA removed the one market indicator — litigation — that would alert parents and other consumers, including physicians, about the safety of these products.

2) Parents should know that no vaccine on the childhood schedule was licensed through a clinical trial with an inert placebo control. A placebo should be inert, meaning it contains no active ingredients and provides no therapeutic effect.

Some vaccine inserts, like VARIVAX, claim to have a placebo-controlled trial, but lawsuits filed by the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) have exposed those claims to be false.

The chart below is based on the findings from those lawsuits. It illustrates how the vaccine manufacturers and our regulatory agencies have duped the public. The current vaccines are in yellow boxes, and the “placebo” used for each clinical trial is indicated in orange. These “placebos,” however, are not true placebos because they used another vaccine instead of an inert substance to compare the new one. These faux placebos are often called “comparators.”

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The New York Times recently falsely accused ICAN attorney Aaron Siri of attempting to have the licensure for “the” polio vaccine withdrawn. IPOL — the vaccine in question — is one of six polio vaccines currently on the market today. See IPOL in the center of that chart? No orange box is below it, meaning there wasn’t even a faux placebo in the clinical trial. It had no placebo at all.

How can the safety of a product be determined if the control group does not include an inert placebo?

Interestingly, the DTP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccine (so injurious it was the catalyst for the passage of NCVIA and is no longer used in America) was used as the placebo in the clinical trials for the two DTaP vaccines on the market today, Infanrixand Daptacel.

3) Parents should know there are no long-term studies on any vaccine on the childhood schedule. In addition, the length of their safety reviews is ludicrously short. Below are just a few of the solicited and unsolicited safety review times of various vaccines, as stated in the vaccine inserts.

For a drug given to infants and children, is 3, 4, or 5 days of safety review adequate to determine its safety?

Note IPOL again in the bottom row of the graphic. The New York Times failed to mention that ICAN sued the FDA to review IPOL’s licensure. ICAN felt the three-day safety review for a drug given to millions of American children every year was inadequate, and we agree.

4) Parents should know that the 80+ ingredients used in various vaccines have never been evaluated for their synergistic toxicity or cumulative effect. Below is a portion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) excipient (ingredient) list. In 2013, the Institutes of Medicine (IOM) determined:

“No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes that some stakeholders questioned between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children. Experts who addressed the committee pointed not to a body of evidence that had been overlooked but rather to the fact that existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule. ….studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.”

“Key elements of the entire schedule—the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines—have not been systematically examined in research studies.”

5) Parents should know that some vaccines contain residual DNA from aborted fetal cell strains, which is noted on the CDC’s excipient list. Remember, the excipient list is the ingredient list. According to the CDC, if it’s on the excipient list, then it’s in the vaccine.

Below is the excipient list showing the ingredients from the MMR (measles mumps rubella) and MMRV (measles mumps rubella varicella) vaccines. MMR contains WI-38, a cell line from the lung tissue of a female aborted baby. MMRV contains MRC-5, a cell line from the lung tissue of a male aborted baby.

Again, there are no studies on the impact of injecting the DNA of both sexes into young babies with developing immune systems.

6) Parents should know that almost every vaccine insert contains Section 13.1 which states the vaccine has never been evaluated for carcinogenicity (causing cancer), mutagenicity (causing changes/mutations in DNA), or its ability to impair fertility.

This means those vaccines were never studied to determine whether they cause cancer, genetic mutations, or infertility. Did you know that “inherited DNA changes do not cause most childhood cancers? They result from DNA changes that happen early in the child’s life, sometimes even before birth.”

Despite this uncertainty, vaccinations during pregnancy are still being recommended, even though we don’t fully understand their long-term effects. It should be deeply concerning that while the vaccine schedule has exponentially increased – from 24 doses of 7 vaccines to 81 doses of 15 vaccines – so too has the rate of childhood cancer – exploding more than 40% since 1980 and is the leading cause of death by disease in children.

Where is Section 13.1 in the VARIVAX insert?

*Interestingly (and alarmingly), the VARIVAX insert lacks Section 13.1. VARIVAX uses aborted fetal cell lines WI-38 and MRC-5 — both male and female DNA — to propagate the vaccine despite the excipient list acknowledging only MRC-5. The Summary Basis for Approval document for Varivax notes “the presence of a clonal 7;12 translocation in cells derived from some manufacturer’s working cell banks” and goes on to say:

“Additional experiments were performed to address the possibility that this anomalous DNA (or other cellular DNA in the vaccine) might integrate into and transform host cells. This translocation is not associated with any known genetic disease in humans. Further testing of these cells indicated no evidence for tumorigenicity in nude mice, and showed normal senescence in tissue culture. The approximately 2 ug of cellular DNA per dose of vaccine was determined to be unlikely to integrate into host cells and cause harm under the conditions of vaccination. The Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), with supplemental expert testimony, concluded on August 23,1994 that this anomaly did not pose a safety risk which exceeded the known benefit of the vaccine.

Reading between the lines here, VRBPAC was made aware of a risk, but the committee determined that the vaccine’s benefit was greater than the risk. Where are the oncogenic studies that were performed for this vaccine? We hope to get our hands on them soon.

7) Parents should know that a CDC-commissioned study found that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) — the system healthcare providers are legally required to use for reporting vaccine injuries and deaths. In 2011, researchers evaluated vaccination records and any subsequent follow-up visits from the Harvard Pilgrim HMO database, and the results were stunning.

Nearly ALL vaccine injuries go unreported. That means that vaccine injury is not, in fact, rare.

Despite the mandate for healthcare providers to report vaccine injuries, VAERS is considered a passive reporting system because anyone can report vaccine injuries, with fines and imprisonment for a false report. If a physician refuses, the patient can file a report. A coroner noted one of the failings of this type of reporting system when he stated, “The deceased do not report.”

8) Parents should know that the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid more than $5 billion in total outlays for vaccine injuries. If vaccine injuries were accurately reflected, one can only imagine how high this number would be. Also, it is important to note that this number does not reflect any claims of injury from the COVID-19 vaccines since those are handled by the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program (CICP).

9) After decades of CDC vaccine recommendations and school vaccine mandates, America’s children are burdened with chronic disease and developmental delays.

As noted on HFL’s CDC Recommended Vaccines flyer, an alarming 2011 study from Bethell et al indicates that “an estimated 43% of US children (32 million) currently have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions assessed, increasing to 54.1% when overweight, obesity, or being at risk for developmental delays are included.”

A 2010 study by Cleave et al concluded that this rapid decline in children’s health began in 1988, just two years after the passage of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Zablotsky et al concluded that “the prevalence of developmental disability among US children aged 3–17 years increased between 2009–2017.” Today, the CDC acknowledges that in addition to a 1 in 36 autism prevalence, 1 in 6 children are diagnosed with a developmental disability, which can “include autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, blindness, and cerebral palsy, among others.”

Additionally, and just as concerning, the CDC also acknowledges that 60% of adults have one chronic disease, and 40% of adults have two or more chronic diseases.

After the passage of NCVIA, the number of vaccines recommended for children exploded from 24 doses of 7 different vaccines in 1983 to over 81 liability-free doses of 15 vaccines by age 18 today. No liability, an antiquated and underutilized Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and inadequate oversight have created an environment where profits abound and ethics are twisted to justify inadequate clinical trials.

Many factors contribute to chronic disease, but only one product is recommended for every child in America and then given blanket immunity for any harm it may cause.

HFL recognizes that numerous factors contribute to our country’s chronic disease epidemic — toxins in our food, water, air, and cosmetics, among others. However, none of these are mandated for children to attend school or employees to maintain their jobs. The sole exception? Vaccines.

What about vaccines and autism?

Autism rates continue to increase, but we are constantly assured that vaccines do not cause autism. The Louisiana Department of Health asserts in a social media post and podcast that vaccines do not cause autism. HFL submitted a public records request to LDH asking for the studies that support their claim that vaccines do not cause autism.

We will share LDH’s response in Part Two.


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