[Citizens for a New Louisiana‘s Michael Lunsford is] the most powerful Republican in Lafayette.
Kenneth Boudreaux
by Michael Lunsford | Jul 2, 2023
Critical Acclaim
John Guilbeau
The success we're seeing in Lafayette Parish would not be possible without vital organizations like Citizens for a New Louisiana.
Citizens for a New Louisiana now has full support from the Louisiana state government.
New York Times
The group that started the hubbub over in Lafayette Parish is called Citizens for a New Louisiana. And I know the players. And I had been monitoring who’s involved in all of this.
Lafayette Clerk of Court
Citizens for a New Louisiana has changed Lafayette by doing the kind of deep research that journalists used to do.
National Public Radio
Lunsford spent years raising the heat leading a stealthy but steady campaign that replaced members of the library board who, from his perspective, were not quite on board.
Citizens Gear
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