Other groups talk about “doing research” but it’s just watching videos and podcasts from shock jock crazies.
David Eaton
by Michael Lunsford | Feb 11, 2024
Critical Acclaim

Louis Perret
Lafayette Clerk of Court
Citizens for a New Louisiana has changed Lafayette by doing the kind of deep research that journalists used to do.

Scott Yoshonis
A Youngsville resident with connections to Citizens for a New Louisiana, claimed that Trahan lived outside the Youngsville city limits prior to qualifying on July 18.

Greg LaRose
Louisiana Illuminator
Citizens for a New Louisiana appears to be keeping a tally of lawmakers who support a veto session

Woke Activist
Lynette Mejia
"[Citizens for a New Louisiana] Stacking these boards is, like, antithetical to the democratic process."

US Congressman / 19 July 2023
Clay Higgins
Citizens for a New Louisiana has changed the trajectory of the entire state of Louisiana for the better.
Citizens Gear
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