Critical Acclaim

Michael Lunsford, a Christian activist and executive director of the conservative Citizens for a New Louisiana, advocates for government transparency.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State
Citizens for a New Louisiana, which Jones describes as an organization “that has wreaked havoc on public libraries across Louisiana.”

Santa Barbara Independent
Citizens for a New Louisiana ... targets individuals, books, and institutions it considers too liberal, permissive, and inclusive. Too woke, in other words.

Acadiana Advocate
Citizens, whose executive director is ... Michael Lunsford, is a conservative "good government" operation that started in Lafayette and is expanding across the state. Its latest crusade is pushing for tighter controls on the books and other materials minors are allowed to access in public libraries.

The Advocate
A second Youngsville police chief candidate has been found by the court to be ineligible to run... Citizens for a New Louisiana filed a complaint about Trahan's eligibility with the DA.
Citizens Gear
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