Critical Acclaim
Tovia Smith
National Public Radio
Lunsford spent years raising the heat leading a stealthy but steady campaign that replaced members of the library board who, from his perspective, were not quite on board.
Sandra Gee
This is the most stellar example of investigative journalism that I have had the privilege to read in a very long time.
Small Business Owner
Timmy Hendrix
I AM EXTREMELY impressed with this production! Keep it coming for us little blue collars that can't be on the front lines.
Alex Woodward
The (UK) Independent
Mr Lunsford’s appeal prompted the parish library director to move the [erotic] book[s] from teen nonfiction sections to adult nonfiction sections
Adam Vos & Alana Schreiber
A poll published by Citizens for a New Louisiana, showed state voters have an especially negative view of the legislature.
Citizens Gear
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