Critical Acclaim
A Youngsville resident with connections to Citizens for a New Louisiana, claimed that Trahan lived outside the Youngsville city limits prior to qualifying on July 18.
New York Times
The group that started the hubbub over in Lafayette Parish is called Citizens for a New Louisiana. And I know the players. And I had been monitoring who’s involved in all of this.
The complaint [filed by Citizens for a New Louisiana] underscores what the chief reportedly did and/or has failed to do.
Livingston Parish News
Smith added that the issue blew up on social media after an “outside” group called Citizens for a New Louisiana enflamed the situation.
Valarie Hodges
[Citizens for a New Louisiana] works very, very hard to let the public know what’s going on. Without them and what they do nobody knows anything except what the elite leftists media wants them to know. Thank GOD for their answering the call to be our voice to the state.
Citizens Gear
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