Critical Acclaim
Tovia Smith
National Public Radio
Lunsford spent years raising the heat leading a stealthy but steady campaign that replaced members of the library board who, from his perspective, were not quite on board.
New York Times
The group that started the hubbub over in Lafayette Parish is called Citizens for a New Louisiana. And I know the players. And I had been monitoring who’s involved in all of this.
Megan Wyatt
Acadiana Advocate
It was not until the question was raised by the Citizens for a New Louisiana that a runoff election was held.
John Burnett
National Public Radio
Citizens for a New Louisiana [is] the same group behind the conservative takeover of the Lafayette library board.
Louis Perret
Lafayette Clerk of Court
Citizens for a New Louisiana has changed Lafayette by doing the kind of deep research that journalists used to do.
Citizens Gear
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